When I first saw White Cap polish from the Anchors Away collection, it immediately reminded me of a polish I bought a while ago in a store called Kik. The brand is called BL Beauty Line Deluxe. The shade “name” is No.3. It’s a white based polish with gold shimmer and little flakies. Because of the gold shimmer it mainly looks light gold, but in some angles it looks shimmery white. It’s sheer, but I don’t think it’s sheer enough to be a good layering polish.
Unfortunately I can’t compare it side by side with the China Glaze’s White Cap, because I don’t have the WC. I don’t think they are dupes, maybe this 1€ nail polish is just a good alternative for White Cap.
What do you think?
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Manjka mu sicer kompleksnost White Cap odtenka, vendar je še vedno zelo lušten lak. :nails:
Whether it’s a dupe or not, I love it. The shimmer is so pretty!
Thank you for sharing! I will have a look at it, it looks great and for one euro it’s really a bargain.
I already own a polish by BL and I’m definitely contented with it!
super, ampak si vseeno želim da bi ga videla še preko kakega drugega lakca :D
Se bom potrudila, da ga pofotkam še slojenega. Ne morem pa nič obljubiti, kdaj mi bo uspelo objaviti. :(
gorgeous!! love the shimmer!!