After not so exciting winter collections, I was really glad to see interesting limited editions for spring.
China Glaze’s sailor collection called Anchors Away is gorgeous. It was hard to resist all those beauties, but in the end I chose First Mate, White Cap and Sea Spray while Maestra picked up Ahoy! and Starboard.
I knew Sea Spray would be mine as soon as I saw promo pictures. I love the combination of blue and gray color. And since I was determined to show you gray and blue side of this polish, I spent a lot of time photographing this shade. :D
I find this polish intriguing whether it looks blue (shade) …

… or grayish (artificial light).

The finish is a little bit complicated. Polish applies similar to pastel ones (but better) and it looks creme. Then came the shock. I was eating lunch with Maestra, when she asks me how I like the shimmer. What shimmer? Sea Spray actually has a tiny shimmer that reminds me of particles found in metallic polishes.
I know dark creme blue polishes are nothing spectacular, but I fell in love with First Mate on the spot. I would say this is almost perfect dark blue for me. I used one coat + topcoat as the polish is really pigmented and applies nicely. What I did not like is the visible tip wear the same day I applied it. I’ll try with 2 coats next time to see if that makes a difference.
What intrigues me the most in White Cap polish is an interesting shimmer suspended in a milky white jelly base. Sparkle is a combination of regular shimmer/glitter and flakies. You can see gold, green, coppery-orange sparkles. And when I applied White Cap on the nail wheel I saw that there are blue particles hiding in there too.

I wondered if I could use White Cap for layering, so I applied it over all the polishes in Anchors Away collection we ordered.

I’ll definitively be buying more shades from this collection. If nothing else then I’m getting Maestra’s Ahoy!. :D
Maestra prepared swatches and comparisons for Ahoy! and Starboard so please read on.
Ahoy! is probably the most popular shade in this collection. It’s a raspberry shade with a jelly base and irregularly shaped gold glitter. Interesting shade. I totally understand, why people love it. But I’m not crazy about it. Yes, I like it, but that’s it.
I wondered how Ahoy! would look layered over black and how it’s compared to OPI’s Let Me Entertain You from the Burlesque collection. Here’s the comparison.
Let Me Entertain You is darker, which is a good thing for me. It also has glitter that flashes purple. All in all, I like LMEY better.
Starboard is a grass green shade with creme finish. It’s the perfect shade of green. Not too yellow toned and not too blue-toned. There are two coats in the photo below.
I couldn’t find a dupe for Starboard in my collection of nail polishes. Ciate’s Stilletto is the closest I have.
What are your thoughts on this collection? Any favorites?
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
Beautiful colors :wub:
Mislim da mi je Ahoy! najljepši od cijele kolekcije, morat ću ja njega kupit dok ga nije nestalo. :wub:
thanks for the swatches lovelies.. my fave are starboard & white cap :wub:
Wonderful Sea Spray!
I love Ahoy! over black
Nice swatches and lovely to see them layered. I like Ahoy, Sea spray, White cap, (Knotty and Lighthouse)
Great post and thanks for the layering ideas :)
uf da kupujem Ahoy i Sea spray bi bili moji :wub:
Imam eno vprašanje – a je First Mate zelo podoben Barry M Indigo ali je čisto druga barva? Zelo nerada mam namreč zelo podobne barve v zbirki :blush:
Bi ti z veseljem naredila primerjavo, a na žalost nimam Barry M Indigo laka. :(
Hvala vseeno :)
o čudovite barve!
white cap mi je nekako najbolj zanimiv, nič podobnega nimam! Gejba, koliko plasti pa je na fotki?
Na swatchu so 3, na nail wheelu pa ena. :yes:
Hvala gejba!
Krasen je sam in na drugih lakcih! Ohh, da me ne premamiš :P
a so na zapikinai še vedno najcenejši ChG pri nas?
Mislim, da so pri njih še vedno najcenejši. :yes:
I love this collection! I just got my order or Sea Spray, Ahoy!, and White Cap. First Mate looks amazing and if I didn’t already have something similar, I’d pick this up as well!
Good choice. :nails:
White cap looks so good over the other polishes! I must have it!
I love the effect too. Now I have to try it out over different colors. :biggrin:
čudoviti odtenki!! zdaj vidim, da si bom morala naročiti še Sea Spray in First Mate :love:
O, ja – oba sta lepotca. :wub:
Ooooh I want First Mate, it’s what I thought Dating A Royal would be! And White Cap, and Starboard, I have nothing like them (despite owning about fifty greens :yes:
Thank you for including the comparisons! :thumb:
I’m falling more and more in love with Starboard which I didn’t like at all when I saw the bottle. Can’t wait to get mine in the mail.
Sea Spray and Starboard are also my favorites!
Greetings from Barcelona :wave:
Wish I was there with you – sunny weather, higher temperatures … :biggrin:
Ahoy! is really pretty, but in my opinion it reminds me of Strawberry Fields which I already own. What do you ladies think, would you be willing to do a comparison between the two?
Unfortunately I do not have Strawberry Fields. Maybe Maestra has it. :think:
Nope, Maestra doesn’t have it either. :(
Ravnokar sem dala na nohte Below Deck. Že drugič v manj kot dveh tednih. Mislim, da še ni bilo takega laka v moji zbirki. Ok, ne, Rampage sem tudi dala gor dvakrat zapored, se mi zdi, potem se pa že konča. Naročenih imam 5 lakov iz te zbirke, s tem da sem se zdajle čisto zaljubila v kombinacijo Starboard in Ahoy! z White Cap, tako da zna biti da si kdaj kasneje nabavim še tega, super layering kombinacija!! :stars: Sicer pa sem zaenkrat nosila Starboard in Below Deck in oba obožujem, čeprav mi Below Deck dela preglavice pri nanosu. Starboard je pa za mojo dušo green junkija pravi balzam. :wub:
Jaz se še odločam – bi ali ne bi Below Deck. :nervous:
White Cap je pa res posrečen lak za layering, tako da ga priporočam. :nails:
sea spray mi najbolje izgleda… iako … možda si odaberem još kojeg :hmm:
I White Cap je prekrasan. :whistle:
White cap is g :wub: orgeous!!
Oh, yeah – must have. :wub:
Sea spray in Starboard sta moja favorita! :wub:
Starboard ni na moji WL. :silly:
Wowwww all the colors are so pretty!!!! Love White cap and the red ones :love: Your nails are soo pretty!! :nails: