As Gejba already mentioned in Cosmetic Fair in Celje – 2011 post, there wasn’t much to see or buy. If Magnetic stand wasn’t as impressive as it was, I would go home really disappointed.
We already wrote a lot about Magnetic polishes. Including how much we love them.
To see larger image, click on the photo.
My fair haul – Magnetic polishes (flash).
Some of them are holographic while I’m not sure about others … like Earl Grey. Earl Grey reminded me of Nfu Oh #61, but they looked nothing alike when I compared the bottles. I’ll compare them in separate post.
Which one do I like the most?
How does Radiant Red compare to other similar polishes in my collection? Today I have only bottle pic for you, I’ll try to compare them as soon as possible.
I hope you like my new beauties. I can not stop admiring them.
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
Shimmering Titanium is beautiful.
shimmering titanium <3 :w00t:
Hvala za odgovore in vaša mnenja! :cute:
Thank you for your opinions, ladies! :rose:
S čim sem zadnje čase tako blazno zaposlena, pa v enem od naslednjih postov. :party:
What makes me busy at the moment, you’ll find out later… :biggrin:
These look so cool.. Or well any magnetic is cool! The holographic is just a bonus <3 cant wait to see them on :yes:
Joj, Parokeetke, ubijate me z Magnetici. Takoooo zakon so videti!! Mislim, da bom zahtevala 30 € za rojstni dan izključno zanje. :yes: Sicer pa res navijam za Radiant Red swatch, zanima me, če je preveč koralen, ali si ga lahko privoščim. Rdeč holo je moja velika želja. :wub:
Radiant Red imam tudi sama in si ga sploh ne upam prav sprobati, ker se mi zdi preveč koralen za mojo polt. Le zakaj sem ga kupila? Ker je takšna redkost pri nas dobiti holo odtenke. :biggrin:
Moram se opogumiti, mu dati priložnost in ga konkretno sprobati. :whistle:
Uu, le daj, da vidimo kako zelo koralen je! :yes: Jaz bi res rada rdeč holo, ampak so vsi preveč koralni za moj okus.
Ulmiel, nisi edina. Jaz bi tudi rdeč holo :) :)
Potrebujem sončna očala, da me zaščitijo pred vso to lepoto. :biggrin:
I am forced to love Radiant Red, Rising Sun and Shimmering Titanium :D
Vsak po svoje je lep. Če bi pa že morala izbirati, potem pa Shimmering Titanium in Radiant Red :nails:
Lepe si si izbrala! :wub: Iz fotke bi rekla, da je Earl Grey frosty srebrn. :unsure:
They look so pretty!
Cant wait to see these swatched.