Review and swatches: OPI – Pirates Of The Caribbean (two shades)

I’m not going to talk (or rant) much (more) about OPI’s Pirates Of The Caribbean. I’ll just copy-past my words from my previous post.

“I get it … The turquoise of the Caribbean sea and the mermaids in the movie and all. But not a single piratey shade in the whole collection? Just pinks and pastels? What the heck is that suppose to mean? I was really disappointed when I saw the release photos of the collection. I like some of the shades very much but not a collection as a whole.”

Now move on to the two shades I actually like very much.

Stranger Tides is a light green or a light murky sage green. It’s a fantastic shade! I love it! Sometimes it looks more grey-green and sometimes yellow-green. It all depends on the light. I think it’s unique and pretty with a hint of ugliness. :D The application was nice and easy. Two coats shown in the photos below.

Swatch: OPI: Pirates of the Caribbean - Stranger Tides
OPI: Pirates of the Caribbean – Stranger Tides (2 coats)
Swatch: OPI: Pirates of the Caribbean - Stranger Tides
OPI: Pirates of the Caribbean – Stranger Tides (2 coats)

Skull & Glossbones is a very nice light grey. It’s such an “fresh” grey, perfect for spring and summer. It looks classy. I think it’s work appropriate with a little twist. I love how clean my fingers look, when I’m wearing this color. This one actually reminds me of Essie’s Body Language. I’ll have to check if they are close. Two coats shown in the photo below.

Swatch: OPI: Pirates of the Caribbean - Skull & Glossbones
OPI: Pirates of the Caribbean – Skull & Glossbones (2 coats)

Silver Shatter is another polish from the collection that I really like. I showed it to you in THIS post and I used it as well to create the pirate manicure HERE.

What do you think about OPI’s Pirates Of The Caribbean collection? Which polishes do you like?

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

7 thoughts on “Review and swatches: OPI – Pirates Of The Caribbean (two shades)”

  1. Se čisto strinjam s tabo glede pastelnih in rožnatih barv za piratsko kolekcijo. Za moje pojme je to bolj tema za jesen (če znamke že morajo ločiti barve na poletne/pomladne in jesenske/zimske), tako da bi lahko vključevale modrino morja, krvavo rdeč odtenek, in vso paleto res temnih odtenkov, pirati mi zagotovo ne zvenijo pastelni, še manj pa pastelno rožnati ali vijolični. Barva, ki mi je tematsko edina ustrezna je Skull&Glossbones, ker je taka okostnjakasta, je pa moja najljubša in edina, ki jo bom verjento sčasoma kupila, Stranger Tides. Nisem pa tako navdušena, da tekla pa svojo stekleničko.

  2. I keep loving Stranger Tides but right now, I’d much better look for a dupe than spending so much money for a OPI. It really costs too much in Italy! I usually only buy OPI when I have at least 5 or 6 in my wish list and I can make a bigger order at Amazon or Ebay! Anyway, can you think of any dupes for Stranger Tides? Some Catrice or Essence maybe?


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