Instead of cleaning …

I posted on my Facebook account today that:

I have to reorganize my make-up and throw everything that is over expiration date. But I’m too lazy to actually do it.

Guess what I did instead of that … played with make up of course. :D I have nothing special to show you really, but I should invest more time into learning how to take photos of eye make-up, so I played with lights and camera … again. Lets say that lighting is OK now, but how the hell do I capture all the different shades I used – it looks to me like I used only one eyeshadow.

One huge eye just for you … any suggestions welcome.

FOTD: Inglot, EssenceI would tell you which Inglot shades I used, but they’re from my stubborn palette and I don’t have magnet strong enough to get them out.

FOTD: Inglot, Essence productsPurpose of this mu was to test Essence Steel The Show eyeshadow as a base. I’m very satisfied so far and will be getting more of the Essence Stay All Day long lasting eyeshadows.

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

19 thoughts on “Instead of cleaning …”

  1. O ti imaš pa skoraj identično barvo oči kot jaz :zip: . Lep make up, res pa se ne vidi vseh senčil (jaz na svojem ekranu vidim samo 1), ki si jih uporabila. Kot spremljam razne tuje bloge se nekatere barve nikakor ne pustijo fotografirati zato se blogerke poslužujejo tudi Photoshopa da bi jih na slikah poudarile…

  2. The make up is hypnotyzing :) And BTW, about my univeristy. I was able to take the final year again, I don’t have to pay anything and now I just have the time to finish my thesis and finish studies once for all :D I plan to do this in the fall but we’ll see. Maybe January is the time :) Kisses, ciao!

  3. Ooo, nov uček pri Parokeetkah! :wub: Pa še zelo podoben odtenek očk kot jih imam jaz. :yes: Jaz na fotki vidim dve barvi senčk, ampak verjamem, da si jih uporabila tudi več. Očesnega MUja sama sploh ne znam slikat, vedno mi barve zbledijo. Nad temile senčkami ste pa vse tako navdušene … jaz imam pa prepoved kupovanja senčil. :nono: Ah … :wink:

      • Strogo gledano dokler kakšne ne porabim, ampak to zagotovo ne bo zdržalo. :sigh: Vidim toliko v prihodnost, da možno, da bo le do Catrice stojala. :naughty: :blush: Ampak v bistvu čimdlje, to kar imam doma je čisto dovolj za moja izživljanja z MUjem. Edino svinčniki mi še manjkajo. :yes:

  4. It always ends up in creating a makeup look :cute: You rediscover some products, see them in a completely different light and all of the sudden they seem so alluring… :wink:

    Essence Stay All Day eyeshadows are gorgeous, if you’d like to see swatches of all six shades go to my blog. I could decide which one I liked the most so I bought all of them…


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