Theatre Of The Nameless inspired (part 2)

I promised you another Theatre Of The Nameless look yesterday. The inspiration for my look was this photo (photo taken from Illamasqua’s Facebook page).

Theatre Of The Nameless inspiration
Theatre Of The Nameless inspiration

And here is my creation.

Theatre Of The Nameless inspired look by Maestra
Theatre Of The Nameless inspired look by Maestra
Theatre Of The Nameless inspired look by Maestra
Theatre Of The Nameless inspired look by Maestra
Theatre Of The Nameless inspired look by Maestra
Theatre Of The Nameless inspired look by Maestra
Theatre Of The Nameless inspired look by Maestra
Theatre Of The Nameless inspired look by Maestra
Theatre Of The Nameless inspired look by Maestra
Theatre Of The Nameless inspired look by Maestra
Theatre Of The Nameless inspired look by Maestra
Theatre Of The Nameless inspired look by Maestra

I love how this look turned out. The eyes are dramatic and mysterious. I LOVE Berber pure pigment! It looks awesome with green eyes. Although it contains silver particles, there’s no fallout. Amazing. I used Berber for shading my face (see the photos above) as well and it looked beautifully. FYI: For contouring I used black eyeshadow.

I can’t decide, but I think for me the highlight of the look are the green lips. I never thought that I would actually love wearing green lips. I fell in love with the green sheer lipgloss Violate by Illamasqua the second I saw it, but unfortunately I don’t have it. So I mixed yellow and blue OCC Lip Tar to create the green (in the middle of the lips). On the outer corners there’s a very dark lipstick by Misslyn applied over the green. I love how everything turned out. I really wish I would have the balls to wear such lips outside my apartment.

What do you think? Like it or not so much?

Edit: I forgot to mention before, that for my eye make up I mainly used Urban Decay Naked Palette (e/s Creep, Hustle and Half Baked) and the Berber Pure Pigment by Illamasqua.

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

19 thoughts on “Theatre Of The Nameless inspired (part 2)”

  1. Izjemna umetnina! :drop:
    Oči so perfektno namazane, odtenki, vse štima, predvsem pa barve super poudarijo in odprejo zelene očke. :stars:
    Ustnice so pa čisto odštekane, seveda v pozitivnem smislu in tudi barva je krasna! :wub:

  2. Rdeče senčilo je _super_. In celoten videz je res dovršen, čestitke :yes: Me pa zanima, kateri odtenek šminke od Misslyn si uporabila? Kmalu namreč nameravam kupiti kaj od njih in temne šminke so moja šibka točka :)

    • Hvala, Sana! :rose:
      Šminka je Misslyn – 122 Extravaganza (lipstick linija). Ko jo odpreš, izgleda rjavo, a ko jo sprobaš, je v bistvu zelo temna vinsko rdeča (vsja na meni). Čudovit odtenek! Danes sem jo prvič ponosno nosila izven stanovanja in sem se super počutila. Kaj so pa drugi mislili … who cares right? Dala sem jo čez AD Invisible Lip Contour in se super drži. :thumb:

  3. This one is beyond words. :drool: :drop: Ne resno … za tako perfekcijo pa nimam besed. Vse skupaj je nadčudovito, ampak ustnice, ustnice so pa … ah, ni besed. :wub: :love:

  4. Zelo zanimivo.
    Razmišljam, da bi za malenkost kohezije in da bi rdeča barva prišla bolj do izraza,
    dala v pregid še isto zeleno, kot je pod spodnjimi treplanicami.

    Konture obraza in nosnega korena so mi pa top.

    Hmm, zelene ustnice izven stanovanja? Zakaj pa ne :D

    • A veš kaj je zanimivo? Da na očeh (ali okrog oči) ni niti pikice zelene. Nikjer. :biggrin: Samo črna (UD Creep iz Naked palete in črna Inglot), rjava (UD Hustle) in zlata (UD Half Baked). Verjetno bi zelena res dobro zraven zgledala, a si nisem tako zamislila. A sprejmeš izziv in sama narediš kombinacijo z zeleno? :cute: Po moje bi res fajn prišlo. :yes:

      Konturiranje nosnega korena me je presenetilo, ker ko sem podobno senčenje že prej sprobala (a veliko manj dramatično) in mi ni ravno pasalo. A tokrat je prišlo res kar dobro.

      Ja, zakaj pa ne? To si tudi jaz rečem. Potem pa rep med noge. :biggrin:

      • Resno ni zelene? Potem je pa moj monitor na prenosniku ‘poseben’. Še zmeraj vidim olivno zeleno. Sem še poswatchala Creepa, pa res nima zelenga podtona. :undecided:

        Lahko poskusim z zeleno, ko pridem s počitnic čez dva tedna.
        Bo zabavno :idea:


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