This Saturday Sophie would have celebrated her 25th birthday. In case you’re not familiar with Sophie’s story and Sophie Lancaster Foundation, you can watch video in Maestra’s post or visit their Facebook or website. Be warned that this is a sad story but at the same time serves as a remainder to respect the fact that we’re all different.
To honor Sophie’s birthday and mark Illamasqua’s support for the Sophie Lancaster Foundation, they are hosting an internationally open competition to win a selection of cult pieces from the Illamasqua collection: Medium Pencil in Sophie, Pure Pigment in Zeitgeist, Nail Varnish in Unnatural, Intense Lipgloss in Repulse, False Eye Lashes in no.21 and a S.O.P.H.I.E wristband.

There will be FIVE winners. The S.O.P.H.I.E competition is open until Midnight GMT Sunday 27th November.

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poor girl :( this world is seriously cruel and out of hand!
Sad enough that revolting story. Her birthday is the same as my dad’s and she was only one year younger than me. Unfair, mad mad world… :( R.I.P. Sophie