Facebook giveaway: Fantasy Fire&co

Important news for Max Factor Fantasy Fire fans … we’re having Fantasy Fire&co giveaway on our Facebook page. :D

Parokeets Fantasy Fire giveaway for FB fans
Parokeets Fantasy Fire giveaway for FB fans

We reached 2.300 fans on Facebook and thought it would be great opportunity to give back something to all the lovely ladies (and gentlemen) who follow Parokeets blog on Facebook.

What landed in giveaway package?

Question for everybody – do you like getting testers (we mostly get those little bags in Slovenia) as part of your giveaway prize? We sometimes get a one or two extra and could enclose few.

P.S. If you’re one of those still wondering/asking why app and not just share the photo … please read this post. You can trust me when I tell you that all of us would rather use share/tag giveaway, but as they’re not allowed …

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

25 thoughts on “Facebook giveaway: Fantasy Fire&co”

  1. Kako je tale račkica luštkana :wub:
    Testerčki so pa super način testiranja, pa če jih imate preveč…. :whistle:

  2. I click on the application on facebook, it opens, but nothing happens after that :undecided: :haha:

  3. Wohoo! Zakon giveaway! :happy:
    In ja, obožujem testerčke. :yes: Vedno, ko kaj naročam preko spleta, prvo pogledam testerčke in šele nato naročene stvari. :biggrin:


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