Irena requested a p2 Gigantic (no. 191) and Essence Grumpy comparison. I made super quick comparison to show you the difference between the 2 nail polishes … even-though they’re similar color-wise.

If you’re deciding between these two nail polishes, then Essence Grumpy would be my favorite as it has deeper blue color and better coverage. But as Gigantic is not sold anymore (and you already have it), then go out and buy Grumpy only if you’re nail polish freak like me.
I used 2 coats and took photo in the sun so you can see the difference in coverage.

Let’s hear it – how many of you would buy Grumpy even if you already had Gigantic? Polish-holics – raise your hands. :D
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Kako je dobra boja! Kod nas nema P2, pa se nadam da ce Essence stici :)
Tudi jaz sem imela Gigantic v mislih, ko sem domov prinesla Grumpya. :yes: Če ne bi imela Gi bi def. potrebovala še enega Gr, tako pa ga res nerabim. :whistle: Hvala za primerjavo. :rose:
I know I would! I love that colour, and I’ll be sad when I finish Gigantic, so Grumpy would be a perfect substitute.
I have no access to P2 but I could swear there’s a Kiko dupe, too. 335 maybe? Or 336? Something over those numbers!