I decided to wear sparkly black/bronze top for one of the December dances and needed manicure to go with it.
Like most of the time, I was in a hurry but when I have an idea, I just have to make it happen. I chose Gosh Nero for base and then either sponged or applied with a brush: Essence BBC Golden Sands, The Huntsman and Golden Rose Scale Effect 05 + little bit of Coastal Scents holographic black glitter.
I wanted to finish the manicure with bronze stamping, but I had only 10 minutes left and no makeup on. :D

I loved how sparkly and full of life this manicure looked, but couldn’t really capture the effect neither in photograph or video (this is the manicure I had on in my Christmas/New Year’s Eve/Winter manicures video).
Today I’m going bowling for the first time and I’m currently deciding whether I should just skip the nail polish. I’m guessing bowling is not nail friendly activity … or am I wrong?
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
Cool combi, the result is just amazing! :wub:
Meni bowling skoraj vedno (razen če imam res čisto postrižene nohte) uniči manikuro, zato si tiste prste ki jih je potrebno rinit v luknje bowling kugle vedno oblepim z belim lepilnim trakom :zip: .
this is a cool combination!
Da si mogla jos glittera stavit vjerojatno bi ga stavila :silly: ali svidja mi se ovaj rezultat
Kako si pogodila? :biggrin:
Mislim da sa tvojom dužinom noktiju nećeš imati problema na kuglanju. Ja sam prvi put kada sam bila polomila dva nokta, ali sada znam koja je bezbedna dužina za kuglanje pa ih tako i održavam.
Mnogo mi se dopada ovaj šljokičavi manikir. Volim sjajne i svetlucave nokte, a boje koje si odabrala se veoma fino uklapaju.
Još sam ih malo skratila, stavila flastere u torbicu i nadam se najboljemu. :silly:
Nič ne skrbi, (previden) bowling je nohtom prijazen. Kako leto nazaj sem z Essence click and go prebowlala cel večer in se vrnila domov z vsemi desetimi krempeljci :thumb: .
Pohvale za manikuro! Spominja me na kako odštekano galaksijo :thumb: .
A, ha – torej je ključ v pazljivem ravnanju z “nohtomneprijaznokuglo”. :biggrin: