Essence – Fashionista TE – nail polishesOpis in ocena: Essence – Fashionista TE – laki za nohte

I have another brand new Trend Edition from Essence for you today. It’s called Fashionista. I don’t think it’s unique or something, but it’s a nice collection anyway. Check them out. :wink:

Sundancer, So Glamorous, VIP Appeal, Break Through
Break Through, VIP Appeal, So Glamorous, Sundancer

I made quick swatches on a nail wheel. I didn’t have time for more …

Sundancer, So Glamorous, VIP Appeal, Break Through

Above: Photo taken under the artificial light. VIP Appeal looks too orangey.

Sundancer, So Glamorous, VIP Appeal, Break Through

Above: Photo taken in the sun. VIP Appeal is pretty close to life.

Below is the comparison between Sundancer and Shankar from the Ethno Couture collection.

Sundancer vs. Shankar

Shankar is a bit darker and is more orangey.

Shankar vs. Sundancer

All shades seem to be cremes. I didn’t have any application issues. All are 2 coats.Ne morem verjeti! V Mullerju me je pričakalo skoraj popolnoma polno stojalo čisto nove kolekcije znamke Essence. Nova trend edicija se imenuje Fashionista. Čeprav kolekcije sploh nisem iskala, niti nisem bila ekstra zagreta zanjo, sem vseeno kupila vse štiri lake za nohte. Ker so mi že ravno bili namenjeni … Ker so me pridno čakali … Ker sem jih nujno morala imeti tudi zato, da vam jih lahko pokažem. :wink:

Sundancer, So Glamorous, VIP Appeal, Break Through
Break Through, VIP Appeal, So Glamorous, Sundancer

Naredila sem hitre “swatche” na vzorčnem ovalu. Za kaj več ni bilo časa …

Sundancer, So Glamorous, VIP Appeal, Break Through

Zgoraj: Fotografirano pod umetna osvetlitvijo. VIP Appeal izgleda preveč oranžen. V resnici je bolj roza.

Sundancer, So Glamorous, VIP Appeal, Break Through

Zgoraj: Fotografirano na soncu. VIP Appeal je tukaj dokaj realne barve.

Primerjava med odtenkoma Sundancer in Shankar iz pretekle TE Ethno Couture …

Sundancer vs. Shankar

Shankar ima v sebi malenkost več oranžne.

Shankar vs. Sundancer

Zdi se, da so vsi odtenki krem. Vsi so naneseni v dveh plasteh. Z nobenim ni bilo nobenih težav pri nanašanju.

Vsebina: 5ml. Cena: 1,49€ v Mullerju.

19 thoughts on “<!--:en-->Essence – Fashionista TE – nail polishes<!--:--><!--:sl-->Opis in ocena: Essence – Fashionista TE – laki za nohte<!--:-->”

  1. These are lovely colours :nails:
    Haven’t spotted them yet in the stores in Holland,
    where did you found them?


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