Parokeets challenge: My favourite fairytale is … PHOTOSParokeets izziv: Moja najljubša pravljica je … FOTOGRAFIJE

Our 3rd BDay celebration is slowly ending. Last prize will go to the winner of our Parokeets challenge: My favourite fairytale is … challenge.

And you, dear readers, will decide which photo is the best and will get the prize donated by two great companies Čarodejka and

Parokeets Challenge My Favourite Fairytale prize

All the ladies did fantastic job. Just look at all the awesome manicures and make-up. :drop:

MATEJA – My favorite fairytale is Tangled. When I look at this sweet girl with golden hair and lilac dress I got inspired to do this manicure.
I wanted to do something I can wear normally. And because I’m not good at drawing I decided to do stamping instead. I used Catrice Lucky in lilac and Barry M Gold foil.

Zlatolaska - Mateja
Tangled - Mateja

NANIII – This is my interpretation of the classic Rapunzel story it involves gold nail polish with gold glitter and a single gray nail that represents the tower. The gold represents Rapunzel’s hair. The eye make up fits the ring. Just so not everything would look so Grimm there is a sliver of gold in the eyeshadow that represents hope for the rescue of the princess.

Rapunzel - Naniii
Rapunzel - Naniii

IVANA – My favorite fairytale and one of the first animated movies I ever saw was Aladdin. Besides the magical, intriguing and entertaining synopsis, love story between Aladdin, young thief, and Jasmine, princess and Sultan’s daughter stayed in my memory throughout the years. Also, Jasmine became one of my favorite Disney Princesses because of her natural beauty (especially long beautiful dark hair and big eyes), independency and expressed pursuit for happiness and fight against laws and stifle life. So normally I tried to recreate Jasmine’s look. I used natural brown eyeshadows, added big winged eyeliner and naturally contoured and highlighted the face. Hope you enjoy the pics as much as I did creating the makeup look.

Aladin - Ivana
Aladin - Ivana

INA – I decided to enter this challenge with Little red riding hood inspired nails. This has been my favourite fairytale since I can remember. My mother read it to me all the time when I was little. I still like it because it has a little bit of darkness in it, just like this mani. Red represents little red riding hood and the black is the darkness of the woods. Everything is finished with white wolf fangs details.

Little red riding hood - Ina
Little red riding hood - Ina

MAJA – My favourite fairytale from childhood is a story written by Slovenian poet Kajetan Kovič, named Pajacek in punčka. I always remember it with joy, because it was the first book I read and it inspired me to read more fairytales and also many less entertaining books. But more than the story itself I love illustrations by Jelka Reichman…which inspired me for this manicure. That’s it, thanks for your attention.

Pajacek in puncka - Maja
Pajacek in puncka - Maja

MARIJANA – My favorite Fairy Tale is Bambi. Many people doesn’t consider it as fairy tale, but I do. I love Bambi because it’s a story of friendship, love, and family. And I think those three things are most important in life.

Bambi - Nails From Fairy Tale
Bambi - Nails From Fairy Tale

URŠKA – Zvezdica Zaspanka (Sleepy Star) is my favorite fairytale, precisely because it is so similar to me. When I was younger I also like to sleep a lot, as well as I like to do now I also like how this fairytale teaches children responsibility.

Zvezdica Zaspanka - Urska
Sleepy Star - Urska

ANJA – I loved fairytales already as a little child. I remember how I listened to tapes, watched TV and read books for hours. I liked them all but my favourite by far was The Little Mermaid. I knew the cartoon by heart. Mermaids were (and they still are!) one of the most fascinating thing to me. As my inspiration I chose their tail – at first sight it looks somehow plain, but on the right light its magic reaches out.

Little Mermaid - Anja
Little Mermaid - Anja

ANKA – I was not sure which fairytale story to choose, because when I was little I liked reading and listening to the tape of “Zvezdica zaspanka” (The little sleepy star”, with which I still have lot in common – I love sleeping and I have blonde hair).
In the end I decided for the story I loved the most – Snow White. Whit the red paint I wanted to present her bright red lips and the love that she felt for the animals. I made the pictures with Konad templates (especially M83) and a golden Barry M Gold Foil lacquer. The red color is a Manhattans nail lacquer.

Snow White - Anka
Snow White - Anka

You can vote ONLY in the poll (placed on the right side of the blog and in this post), but to be able to vote, you’ll have to be logged/registered into Parokeets blog. You can vote only once.

UPDATE: Poll is now closed. Unfortunately some of the voters chose to ignore the rule “only one vote per person”, so we have to go over all the votes and delete the doubled, tripled … :nono:

Feel free to share your opinions in the comments, but those votes do not count. :cute:

Voting will end on 17th of February 2012 at 10pm (GMT+1).Praznovanje našega tretjega rojstneva dneva se počasi približuje koncu. Zadnjo nagrado bo prejela zmagovalka izziva – Moja najljubša pravljica je …

Odločitev je v vaših rokah drage bralke. Fotografija z najvišjim številom glasov bo avtorici prinesla spodnjo nagrado, ki sta jo prispevali dve krasni podjetji – Čarodejka in

Parokeets Challenge My Favourite Fairytale prize

Vse, ki so sprejele izziv, so opravile čudovito nalogo. Samo poglejte si te krasne manikure in make-upe. :drop:

MATEJA – Moja najljubša pravljica je Zlatolaska. In ko pogledam to ljubko deklico z zlatimi lasmi in lila oblekico sem si zamislila naslednjo manikuro.
Želela sem ustvariti nekaj kar se lahko normalno “nosi”. In ker nisem ravno zelo dobra v risanju sem se odločila za konadiranje. Uporabila sem laka Catrice Lucky in lilac ter Barry M Gold foil.

Zlatolaska - Mateja
Tangled - Mateja

NANIII – This is my interpretation of the classic Rapunzel story it involves gold nail polish with gold glitter and a single gray nail that represents the tower. The gold represents Rapunzels hair. The eye make up fits the ring. Just so not everything would look so Grimm there is a sliver of gold in the eyeshadow that represents hope for the rescue of the princess.

Rapunzel - Naniii
Rapunzel - Naniii

IVANA – My favorite fairytale and one of the first animated movies I ever saw was Aladdin. Besides the magical, intriguing and entertaining synopsis, love story between Aladdin, young thief, and Jasmine, princess and Sultan’s daughter stayed in my memory throughout the years. Also, Jasmine became one of my favorite Disney Princesses because of her natural beauty (especially long beautiful dark hair and big eyes), independency and expressed pursuit for happiness and fight against laws and stifle life. So normally I tried to recreate Jasmine’s look. I used natural brown eyeshadows, added big winged eyeliner and naturally contoured and highlighted the face. Hope you enjoy the pics as much as I did creating the makeup look.

Aladin - Ivana
Aladin - Ivana

INA -Odločila sem se, da sodelujem na izzivu, za inspiracijo pa sem si izbrala Malo rdečo kapico. Je moja najljubša pravljica odkar se spomnim, verjetno tudi zato, ker mi jo je mama vedno brala pred spanjem. Pravljica mi je še vedno všeč, ker ima v sebi malo temačnosti, tako kot moja manikura. Rdeča barva predstavlja Malo rdečo kapico, črna pa temačnost gozda. Vse skupaj je zaključeno z belimi detajli volkovih zob.

Little red riding hood - Ina
Little red riding hood - Ina

MAJA – Moja najljubša pravljica iz otroštva je zgodba Kajetana Koviča Pajacek in punčka (lol, šele zdaj opazim da sem si naslov napačno zapomnila), lepe spomine nanjo imam ker je bila to moja prva prebrana knjiga in me je navdušila za nadaljnje branje pravljic pa tudi malo manj zabavnih čtiv. Bolj od zgodbe so mi všeč le illustracije Jelke Reichman, kar je tudi bilo inspiracija za to manikuro. To je to, hvala za pozornost,

Pajacek in puncka - Maja
Pajacek in puncka - Maja

MARIJANA – My favorite Fairy Tale is Bambi. Many people doesn’t consider it as fairy tale, but I do. I love Bambi because it’s a story of friendship, love, and family. And I think those three things are most important in life.

Bambi - Nails From Fairy Tale
Bambi - Nails From Fairy Tale

URŠKA – Zvezdica Zaspanka je moja najljubša pravljica prav zato, ker mi je tako podobna. Ko sem bila mlajša sem tudi sama rada spala, kar mi sicer tudi sedaj ni tuje Všeč mi je tudi kako ta pravljica uči otroke odgovornosti.

Zvezdica Zaspanka - Urska
Sleepy Star - Urska

ANJA – Že kot otrok sem oboževala pravljice. Spominjam se, kako sem ure in ure poslušala kasete, gledala televizijo in brala. Vse so mi bile všeč, ampak moja naj naj najljubša je bila definitivno Mala morska deklica. Risanko sem znala na pamet. Morske deklice so bile (in še vedno so!) zame nekaj najbolj očarljivega. Kot inspiracijo sem torej izbrala njihov rep – na prvi pogled izgleda preprost, šele na pravi svetlobi pride na plan njegova čarobnost.

Little Mermaid - Anja
Little Mermaid - Anja

ANKA – Na koncu pa sem se odločila za uprizoritev moje res najljubše pravljice- Sneguljčice. Z rdečo barvo laka sem hotela uprizoriti njene živo rdeče ustnice in ljubezen, ki jo je čutila do živali. Slike sem naredila s konad šablonami (predvsem m83) in zlatim Barry M Gold foil lakom. Rdeč lak pa je Manhattnov.

Snow White - Anka
Snow White - Anka

Štejejo samo glasovi oddani v anketi (na desni strani bloga ali v temu postu). Da lahko glasujete, morate biti prijavljene/registrirane v Parokeets blog. Glasujete lahko samo 1x.

UPDATE: Glasovanje je zaključeno. Na žalost se je nekaj glasovalcev odločilo zanemariti pravilo “en glas na uporabnika”. :nono:  Tako da moramo pregledati vse glasove in izbrisati podvojene, potrojene …

Glasovanje se bo zaključilo 17.2.2012 ob 22ih.

19 thoughts on “<!--:en-->Parokeets challenge: My favourite fairytale is … PHOTOS<!--:--><!--:sl-->Parokeets izziv: Moja najljubša pravljica je … FOTOGRAFIJE<!--:-->”

  1. Joj, že? :sigh: Čas reees beži. :w00t: Krasne umetnije punce, moj glas pa gre Ini. :) Vso srečo punce, nagrada je res krasna! :wub:

  2. I’m logged in on GFC and FB but still can’t seem to vote, so I am giving up. I wanted to vote for INA – Little red riding hood

  3. Wow, super! :bow: Čudovite stvaritve! Ideja mi je izredno všeč in obžalujem, da nisem sodelovala, vendar enostavno ni bilo časa. Se pa s toliko večjim veseljem pasem po fotkah! :drool:


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