Maestra’s summer vacation – day 6

Do you remember that I invited you on our balcony the other day? And I showed you what a great view we have. Today, I’m going to show you what else do we have on our balcony.

Obviously I have to cook every day. But I can tell, I keep it very simple. On day 6 we’ve had baked potatoes and grilled chicken for our dinner. And some vegetables on the side.

Maestra's summer vacation - Pag 2010 - lunch

I swatched some Barry M polishes, which I’ll show you shortly and after swatching Navy stayed on. A great dark blue polish! As you can see I was very lazy. I left my thumb as it was the day before – Wet’n’Wild – Lime Time – great Shrek green.

Maestra's summer vacation - Pag 2010 - manicure
In the sun: Barry M – Navy (dark blue, 2 coats) and Wet\’n\’Wild – Lime Time (lime green, 2 coats)
Maestra's summer vacation - Pag 2010 - manicure
In the shade: Barry M – Navy (dark blue, 2 coats) and Wet\’n\’Wild – Lime Time (lime green, 2 coats)

I really enjoyed my last two skittles manicures.

Saved the best for the last. One beautiful thing on our balcony is a swallow’s nest.

Maestra's summer vacation - Pag 2010 - swallow
Maestra's summer vacation - Pag 2010 - swallow
Maestra's summer vacation - Pag 2010 - swallows

Look at these cute little babies.

Maestra's summer vacation - Pag 2010 - swallow fledglings
swallow fledglings

That’s it … Greetings from our balcony!

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

10 thoughts on “Maestra’s summer vacation – day 6”

  1. iiii ptički :wub:  pa manikura je tudi lepa :yes:
    .-= Lyra´s last post … Ruffian Manicure- China Glaze-2030 Color Club-Where’s The Soiree =-.

  2. Kakšni lepi tički :wub: .
    Vidim da imata kar konkretno kosilo, jaz ponavadi na morju samo solate žulim ker mi zaradi vročine nič ne paše.
    Ta moder lak bi bilo pa zanimivo primerjati z  modrim Catrice ter temno modrimi OPIji. Jaz sem ga hotela naročit ampak imam doma že OPI Ink ter Russian Navy  pa še essence temno modrega pa ne bi rada še enega skoraj identičnega.

  3. Lastovke.    :wub:    Z elo jih imam rada. Koliko let so gnezdile v naši hiši. Vsako pomlad so prišle nazaj v isto gnezdo. Kakšna navigacija.  :drop:    Kar spregledala sem lepo manikuro, pogled mi uhaja k tem čudovitim pticam.   :love:
    .-= Mamy´s last post … NOTD- Zoya – Adina =-.


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