Vesna and Dani asked me to do the comparison between Essence Movie Star, Essence Poinbreak and Catrice London’s Weather Forecast polishes.
Movie Star is the darkest of the bunch, while Pointbreak and London’s Weather Foreacast look alike. Maestra already did the comparison between the last two.
First I made comparison between Essence Movie Star and Catrice London’s Weather Forecast:
Then I added Essence Pointbreak to the mix:
For me Catrice London’s Weather Forecast and Essence Movie Star are both “must have” – Movie Star for its darker shade while Catrice for its lighter gray tone with shimmer. Pointbreak is expendable.
Application-wise Forecast in Movie Star win again (Pointbreak is little bit watery).
I used two coats + top coat with all shades.
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
Lovely comparison and I agree with your verdict. Pointbreak looks bland in comparison to LWF.
Ooo, super! Najlepša hvala za primerjavo. Očitno bom morala it še po Movie Star! :hmm:
taman sam se pitala koliko su slicni, ali buduci da mi je lwf jedna od najdrazih nijansi i movie star mi definitivno treba :hmm:
Uau, mogoče pa vseeno “potrebujem” še tega Movie Starčka! :whistle: :biggrin:
Ampak se pa strinjam z Aurelie – glede na to, da so tako poceni… :silly:
Še kava je dražja kot Essence lak. :biggrin:
super članek in primerjava :) ugotavljam, da bom preživela tudi sam s Catrice (morm mal omejit svojo strast do lakov) :unsure:
Hvala. :rose:
Catrice je itak tanajlepšejši. :biggrin:
All three of them look pretty. Since they’re so cheap, I don’t see the problem into getting them all ! :naughty:
Welcome to polish anonymous. :biggrin: