MNY 761

I’m not feeling well, so today I have one of the archive photos from you. Third (and the last) MNY polishes I own – MNY 761.

I love the deep green shimmery color of this polish, but application sucked. Maybe it was just my bottle, but this is one sticky/gooey polish.

2 layers + top coat.

MNY 761 swatch by Parokeets
MNY 761: sun
MNY 761 swatch
MNY 761: shade
MNY 761 swatch
MNY 761: lightbox

Looks familiar? Probably because Maestra already showed it to you HERE.

I can’t wait to feel like myself again. We’re preparing three major projects on our blog and I hate wasting time being sick.

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

13 thoughts on “MNY 761”

  1. :sorry: Hope you feel better soon.  I don’t know how I lost your blog.  I guess when I changed computers.  Love the green nails.  That’s my favorite shade to wear on my nails.  I’m on FB playing games for ever! Glad I found  you again.

  2. Za moj okus je lak malo pretemen.
    Se mi zdi da je v tem obdobju kar veliko ljudi bolnih (razsajajo razni prehladi), ti pa tudi jaz želim čim prejšnje okrevanje.

  3. Oooo, ta lak iščem že mesece!!! Nemški DM, praviš … v dunajskem misliš da ga nimajo? :unsure: Upam da ja, res je prečudovit. Superlepe slike! Upam, da se hitro pozdraviš! :rose:


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