I was checking our Magnetic gallery, when I noticed that Magnetic Radiant Red swatch was missing … for the last year and a half it was hiding in my unpublished folder. In my defense, I didn’t manage to capture the true beauty of this holographic nail polish so I didn’t feel comfortable publishing it.
I’m not sure I would name this shade red, but it’s one seriously pretty holo. Want proof? Maestra has it, Mamy bought it, the only one I’m not sure about is Goga … :D
And if you’re wondering how this shade compares to other “red” holo nail polishes, check out this Mamy’s post.
Any other proud Magnetic Radiant Red owner out there?
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
Jaz sem ga imela. Čeprav me je očaral z svojo lepoto, me je tudi razočaral z res dolgim časom sušenja.
Zanimivo. Jaz pa ravno te lake uporabljam, ko se mi mudi zaradi hitrega sušenja. :think:
Ljubav na prvi pogled, prekrasan je! :wub:
Mhm – preporučujem svim lakoholičarima. :silly:
Obožujem rdeče odtenke, ampak rdeč holo me pa če ni premamil. Se mi zdi, da je rdeča že dovolj opazna in ne potrebuje dodatne pozornosti je pa res da ga še nikoli nisem idela v živo (mogoče si bom pa premislila ;))
Mene tale odtenek ne prepriča, da gre za pravo rdečo, bi prej rekla da je roza. :biggrin:
Čudovit :wub:
:yes: :wub: