Comparison: Catrice Hip Queens Wear Blue Jeans vs. Essence UnderwaterPrimerjava: Catrice Hip Queens Wear Blue Jeans vs. Essence Underwater

As some of you already noticed, new Catrice shade Hip Queens Wear Blue Jeans looks a lot like new version of Essence Underwater polish.

I have really quick comparison for you today … in case you have one and are wondering whether you need the other one too. : silly:

Comparison: Catrice Hip Queens Wear Blue Jeans vs. Essence Underwater bottle

If we compare the bottles – we see that shimmer is a little bit more noticeable in Catrice version, but otherwise they look almost the same.

After I applied two layers (+ top coat) – I can not tell them apart.

Comparison: Catrice Hip Queens Wear Blue Jeans vs. Essence Underwater swatch

Conclusion – if you have one you do not need the other.

Which one to buy if you do not have either one? Though call – my Underwater already separated so I had to add mixing balls and shake hard to return it to original state, but it applied better than Catrice one.

Interestingly enough, I mostly reach for Hip Queens Wear Blue Jeans. I used it more than 3 times in the last few weeks. But even-though I like almost invisible shimmer in polishes, I wish it would be more visible in this shade … because this shimmer is simply BEAUTIFUL. :love:

For the end I have for you one of the older konadicures made on 3-4 day old application of Hip Queens Wear Blue Jeans … something for those who want to know how good is staying power of Catrice polishes on my nails. :wink:

Catrice Hip Queens Wear Blue Jeans + Essence Stampy White + IP C03 konadicure
Catrice Hip Queens Wear Blue Jeans + Essence Stamp me White + IP C03
Kar nekaj vas je opazilo, da sta si novi Catrice odtenek Hip Queens Wear Blue Jeans ter nova verzija Essence Underwater zelo podobna.

Danes imam zelo hitro primerjavo za vse, ki imate enega in se sprašujete, če potrebujete tudi drugega. :silly:

Comparison: Catrice Hip Queens Wear Blue Jeans vs. Essence Underwater bottle

V steklenički je šimer v Catrice laku malo bolj opazen kot v Underwater odtenku, drugače pa sta skoraj identična.

Po nanosu dveh plasteh vsakega laka (+ nadlak), ju je praktično nemogoče ločiti.

Comparison: Catrice Hip Queens Wear Blue Jeans vs. Essence Underwater swatch

Zaključek – če imate enega, ne potrebujete drugega.

Katerega kupiti, če izbirate med njima? Hja – moj Underwater je že imel ločeni fazi, tako da sem morala dodati kroglici, da je spet tak kot na začetku, nanašal se je pa malo lepše kot Catrice.

Zanimivo, da vseeno večkrat posežem po Hip Queens Wear Blue Jeans laku. V zadnjem času sem ga izbrala najmanj 3x. Čeprav mi je skoraj nevidni šimer všeč, pa bi ga pri tem odtenku raje videla več … ker je PREČUDOVIT. :love:

Za konec še malo starejša konadikura na 3-4 dni starem Hip Queens Wear Blue Jeans laku … nekaj za vse, ki vas zanima kako obstojni so Catrice laki na meni. :wink:

Catrice Hip Queens Wear Blue Jeans + Essence Stampy White + IP C03 konadicure
Catrice Hip Queens Wear Blue Jeans + Essence Stampy White + IP C03

14 thoughts on “<!--:en-->Comparison: Catrice Hip Queens Wear Blue Jeans vs. Essence Underwater<!--:--><!--:sl-->Primerjava: Catrice Hip Queens Wear Blue Jeans vs. Essence Underwater<!--:-->”

  1. Thanks a lot for the comparison. I only have the Essence polish, but I like the colour a lot. Application is good and i only need one coat. But I can also see a bit of a separation, I have to shake it from time to time.

  2. ‘thanks for the comparation i wanted actually a cheaper version of hips jeans and got 04Oh Bear of the Berlin collection of essence i think they are almost the also , but if i did new i did bought underwater instead.


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