Nails are my joy – giveawayNohti so moje veselje

Updated on 24.6.2009:

Due to popular demand we have extended the time for you to submit your entries. You can now submit your entries up to 11:59 PM on 5.7.2009.

Did you miss Essence Glam Rock or Pure Beauty nail polishes? Here is the chance to get one, two or three.

All you need to do is send us a photo of your manicure on the theme “Nails are my joy“. We’ll pick 10 photos and publish them on our blog. Visitors of will then decide who gets the polishes.

We will consider any and all photos sent to our email before midnight central European time (GMT+2) of 26.6.2009. Here are the instructions:
– names of items used (read: polishes) must be evident from the photos or stated in the accompanying email;
– you must be a registered member of our blog and must provide us with your username in the email accompanying the photos;
– photos must be your own creation, which must be obvious from the photo = you can get creative and draw our logo on your hand or put a piece of paper with your nickname near you hand – it’s up to you. HERE is example how it could be done – you can even send us one photo with the paper and the same photo without it (this one will be published).
– send your photo to our email address;
– you can enter up to 2 photos in this giveaway;
– size must be 330×430 or 430×330 pixels;
– by sending us your photos you explicitly permit their publication on

Author of the best photo, chosen by our readers, will get: Essence Glam Rock Metal Babe, Pink Punk, Gothic Girl and S-he Stylezone 427.

Based on popular vote the second place will be awarded Essence Glam Rock Metal Babe and Gothic Girl and S-he Stylezone 427, third place Essence Pure Beauty Naked Truth, fourth place Essence Pure Beauty Honey Bun and Essence Pure Beauty Innocent for fifth place.

Let me remind you which polishes we’re giving away. All photos were kindly provided by our Maestra:

Essence Glam Rock – Metal Babe

Essence Glam Rock – Pink Punk

Essence Glam Rock – Gothic Girl

Gothic Girl

Essence Pure Beauty – Naked Truth

Essence Pure Beauty – Honey Bun

Essence Pure Beauty – Innocent

S-he Stylezone – 427 (vs. Glam Rock Pink Punk)

Giveaway is open to all residents of planet Earth. :silly: We’ll ship to any country, but unfortunately can not accept responsibility for lost or damaged shipments and due to the limited number of polishes available we can not provide replacements for such shipments. You will however always receive your due bragging rights. :cool:

Dodano 24.6.2009:

Rok za oddajo fotografij smo podaljšali. Novi rok za oddajo je: 5.7.2009 do 23:59 ure.

Ste zamudili Essence Glam Rock ali Pure Beauty lake za nohte? Tokrat imate možnost dobiti lak, dva ali tri iz omenjenih kolekcij.

Vse, kar želimo je, da nam pošljete fotografijo vaše manikure na temo “Nohti so moje veselje“. Me bomo izbrale 10 nam najbolj všečnih fotografij, končni vrstni red pa boste določili obiskovalci

Fotografije bomo zbirale do 26.6.2009 in sicer do polnoči. Upoštevati pa morate še nekaj drugih navodil:
– ime uporabljenih produktov mora biti razvidno s fotografije ali pa biti posredovano skupaj s fotografijo;
– fotografija mora biti vaše avtorsko delo – kar mora biti tudi razvidno (dopuščamo precejšnjo mero kreativnosti – vse od papirčkov z vašim nickom, ki je viden na fotografiji pa do našega logotipa narisanega na roko). TUKAJ si lahko pogledate primer. Imate tudi opcijo, da nam pošljete eno sliko s papirčkom in  isto sliko brez papirčka (če želite, da se objavi slika brez “papirčka”);
– fotografije pošljite na elektronski naslov;
– v emailu navedite nick, saj je registracija predpogoj za sodelovanje;
– vsak lahko sodeluje z največ 2 fotografijama;
– velikost fotografije naj bo 330×430 oz. 430×330 pixlov;
– z oddajo fotografije izrecno dovoljujete njeno objavo na

Avtorica najboljše fotografije po mnenju bralk bo za svoj trud prejela: Essence Glam Rock Metal Babe, Pink Punk, Gothic Girl in S-he Stylezone 427.

Vse ostale pa v skladu z doseženim mestom: Essence Glam Rock Metal Babe in Gothic Girl ter S-he Stylezone 427 za drugo mesto, Essence Pure Beauty Naked Truth za tretje mesto,  Essence Pure Beauty Honey Bun za četrto mesto ter Essence Pure Beauty Innocent za peto mesto.

Naj vam za konec osvežimo spomin, katere lake lahko dobite. Vse fotografije je prispevala naša Maestra.

Essence Glam Rock – Metal Babe

Essence Glam Rock – Pink Punk

Essence Glam Rock – Gothic Girl

Gothic Girl

Essence Pure Beauty – Naked Truth

Essence Pure Beauty – Honey Bun

Essence Pure Beauty – Innocent

S-he Stylezone – 427 (v primerjavi z Glam Rock Pink Punk)

PP = Pink Punk; 427 = s-he 427
PP = Pink Punk; 427 = s-he 427

Obilo prijetnih trenutkov ob lakiranju in fotografiranju nohtov vam želimo ter se že zelo veselimo vaših fotografij!

66 thoughts on “<!--:en-->Nails are my joy – giveaway<!--:--><!--:sl-->Nohti so moje veselje<!--:-->”

  1. oh… i love the pink punk… i already have the gothic girl & metal babe… i like essence so far…& im glad its available here in Abu Dhabi UAE

  2. Nisi osamljena ljubiteljica francoske manikure :) moja druga slikica je bila tudi malo upgradana franskoska  :silly:

  3. No, malo sem žalostna, da se ni naprej uvrstila moja francoska manikura … mi je bila bolj všeč, kot pa moj rdeč izdelek pod št. 04. :unsure: Očitno sem osamljena ljubiteljica French nohtov. :silly:

  4. Priznam, da ne vidim problema – rekle smo, da bo na našem blogu objavljenih 10 fotografij po naši izbiri in to bomo tudi naredile.

    Ve ste pa tiste, ki boste z vašimi glasovi določile, katera fotografije je najbolj zanimiva/najlepša …





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