Challenge: Let’s rock with numbers PHOTOSIzziv: Zabavajmo se s številkami FOTOGRAFIJE

Eight of our readers joined our  Let’s rock with numbers challenge with fantastic entries.  We simply love all of them!  :drop:

Winner of this challenge will receive all the products shown on the  below photo. Gift is courtesy of Essence. :rose:

Parokeets contest: Let's rock with numbers - prize

Let’s take a look at the photos. :w00t:

01. SANJA found her inspiration in gambling.

01 Sanja for Let's Rock With Numbers Parokeets Challenge

02. ORLICA joined in with so called newspaper technique.

02 Orlica for Let's Rock With Numbers Parokeets Challenge

03. THRISZHA was inspired by her daughters old blanket.

03 Thriszha for Let's Rock With Numbers Parokeets Challenge

04. ULMIEL used only polishes with “number” names + she was inspired by literature (Douglas Adams, Tolkien) and TV shows (Supernatural, The Big Bang Theory).

04 Ulmiel for Let's Rock With Numbers Parokeets Challenge

05. JQ used Braille alphabet.

05 JQ for Let's Rock With Numbers Parokeets Challenge

06. THIFA saw all her boyfriends thesis papers laying around and all those  equations just screamed at here – why not.

06 Thifa for Let's Rock With Numbers Parokeets Challenge

07. ANA sent us her test manicure, since her nails had a “little” accident shortly after she took this photo. But we think even her test sewing looks good.

07 Ana for Let's Rock With Numbers Parokeets Challenge

08. INA is the only one who dared to send us  make-up photo. 1, 3, 5 … it sound familiar. :silly:

08 Ina for Let's Rock With Numbers Parokeets Challenge

Voting will be a little bit different than in the past. Poll is still placed on the right side of the blog, but to be able to vote, you’ll have to be logged in with your Google account (at the bottom of the right widget in Meta section click Log In or Register if this is the first time you’re logging in with Google account).

HERE you can find detailed instruction.

We had to pick out only one account for the voting to be as fair as possible, and Google users are in the majority on our blog. So we decided to go with the Google. After you’re done with the voting you can either Log Out or stay logged in and comment with Google ID.

But there is difference between Google authentication and Google Friend Connect.

Why is that important? Because we will let computer choose one of those who voted and are GFC follower at he same to receive small gift also donated  by Essence. Parokeets ladies added Choose Me polish to the gift. :silly:

Parokeets: Let's rock with numbers (voting prize)

All of the ladies who sent us their photos for challenge can also vote and join in the draw. :wink:

We spent more than 7 hours modifying plugin we need for voting to work with the latest blog upgrades and after finally succeeding …. Google log-on crashed :shock:

Let’s hope they won’t take their time with fixing the problem. :nervous:

The end of voting will be added later on … but it won’t close before 31.10.2010.

Edit: Voting will end on 31.10.2010 at 12pm (GMT+1).

Na naš Zabavajmo se s številkami izziv se je odzvalo osem naših bralk s fantastičnimi idejami. Parokeetke smo bile nad čisto vsako fotografijo enostavno navdušene. :drop:

Zmagovalka izziva bo dobila vse kar vidite na spodnji fotografiji. Darilo za zmagovalko je prijazno prispeval Essence. :rose:

Parokeets contest: Let's rock with numbers - prize

Poglejmo si prispele fotografije. :w00t:

01. SANJA je dobila navdih v kockanju.

01 Sanja for Let's Rock With Numbers Parokeets Challenge

02. ORLICA je sodelovala s t.i. “časopisno” tehniko.

02 Orlica for Let's Rock With Numbers Parokeets Challenge

03. THRISZHA je navdih dobila v hčerkini stari dekici.

03 Thriszha for Let's Rock With Numbers Parokeets Challenge

04. ULMIEL je uporabila lake, ki imajo v “imenu” le številke, navdih pa je dobila tudi pri književnih delih (Douglas Adams, Tolkien) ter televizijskih nadaljevankah (Supernatural, The Big Bang Theory).

04 Ulmiel for Let's Rock With Numbers Parokeets Challenge

05. JQ je prikazala številke v Braillovi pisavi.

05 JQ for Let's Rock With Numbers Parokeets Challenge

06. THIFA se je ozrla naokoli, videla vsepovsod papirje polne enačb, ki jih je njen fant napisal za svojo nalogo in si mislila – to je to.

06 Thifa for Let's Rock With Numbers Parokeets Challenge

07. ANA nam je poslala testno fotografijo, kjer je sprobalava kako bi poslikala manikuro z listkom … kmalu za tem so njeni nohti namreč doživeli manjšo nesrečo, tako da ni uspela izdelati “prave” manikure. Inspiracija: šiviljski meter.

07 Ana for Let's Rock With Numbers Parokeets Challenge

08. INA je edina, ki se je opogumila in ustvarila očesni make-up. 1, 3, 5 … zveni znano. :silly:

08 Ina for Let's Rock With Numbers Parokeets Challenge

Glasovanje bo po novem potekalo malo drugače kot pri prejšnjih izzivih. Še vedno boste glasovale v anketi na desni strani bloga, vendar boste morale prej biti prijavljene z vašim Google računom (na dnu desnega okvirja: Meta – Prijava oz. Register, če se še nikoli niste prijavile z Googlovim računom).

TUKAJ lahko najdete natančna navodila za glasovanje.

Da bo glasovanje čim bolj pravično, smo morale izbrati le en način prijave. In ker na našem blogu Google vodi na vse frontah, verjetno ni presenetljivo, da smo se odločile zanj. :silly: Po tem, ko glasujete, se lahko v Meta odseku odjavite ali pa ostanete prijavljene z Google računom.

Gre pa tukaj le za avtentitkacijo z Google računom kar ni ista zadeva kot je Google Friend Connect.

Zakaj poudarjamo razliko? Ker bomo med tistimi, ki boste glasovale  za naj fotografijo in ste istočasno tudi naše GFC spremljevalke, izžrebali dobitnico mini darila, ki ga je prav tako prispeval Essence. Parokeetke pa smo darilcu dodale še Choose Me lakec. :silly:

Parokeets: Let's rock with numbers (voting prize)

Glede na to, da bo potrebno malo več dela preden oddate vaš glas, se nam je zdelo pošteno, da tudi tiste, ki glasujete lahko dobite darilo. Seveda lahko glasujete (in se potegujete za darilce) tudi vse, ki v natečaju že sodelujete z vašimi fotografijami. :wink:

In ko smo končno usposobili tehnologijo za glasovanje … se sesuje Google. Upamo, da bodo čim prej uspeli odpraviti napako, tako da se glasovanje lahko končno začne. :nervous:

Konec glasovanja bo dodan naknadno … vendar se ne bo zaključilo pred 31.10.2010.

Edit: Glasovanje se bo zaključilo 31.10.2010 ob polnoči.

36 thoughts on “<!--:en-->Challenge: Let’s rock with numbers PHOTOS<!--:--><!--:sl-->Izziv: Zabavajmo se s številkami FOTOGRAFIJE<!--:-->”

  1. THRISZHA :wub: :love: ta mi je pa res noro lepa (čudno da nima več glasov..) :hmm:  nevem zakaj mi ne gre glasovati :undecided:  


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