Manhattan LE Colour Collection 2 with Nubar nail polishesManhattan LE Colour Collection 2 z Nubar laki

Gejba already wrote a quick post about Manhattan LE Colour Collection 2. I bought three of the six polishes in this collection.

Polish with the name …well number: :whistle:

69F: is polish in fashionable taupe color … to light for my taste.

Manhattan 69F

78T: blue shade with a little bit of turquoise in it.

Manhattan 78T

101V: gray polish, interesting, pretty.

Manhattan 101 V

I used two layers on all the photos. I liked the brush, application was easy. Bottles hold 7ml of polish. They’re just thick enough and are OK pigmented. All photos taken in sunlight.

Pretty shades … but boring. :haha:

I like my manicure to be noticed, to sparkle … How to achieve the desired effect? Piece of cake. I’m lucky enough to own bunch of polishes that could do the job. :bow:

I can not say that I do not like the polishes, but I like them a lot more in the following photos. :drop:

Manhattan 69F + Nubar Jewel
Manhattan 78T + Nubar Sky Sparkle
Manhattan 101V + Nubar Goldy

I’ll let the details to tell the story this time. I really have nothing to add. I was impressed. :pic:

Greetings from very cold country at the moment. :wave:

Gejba je TUKAJ že pisala o Manhattan LE Colour Collection 2. Od šestih lakov, ki so na voljo, sem kupila tri, ki so mi bili najbolj všeč. Poglejmo si jih.

Lak z imenom, pravzaprav s številko: :whistle:

69F: odtenek v modni toupe barvi. Za moj okus presvetel.

Manhattan 69F

78T: modra barva z nekaj malega turkizne.

Manhattan 78T

101V: lak sive barve, zanimiv, lep.

Manhattan 101 V

Lastnosti vseh lakov: vsak je nanešen v dveh slojih. Čopič mi je všeč, nanos preprost. Vsebine ravno prav, 7ml. Ravno prav gosti in solidno pigmentirani. Vse fotografije so bile posnete na sončni svetlobi.

Luštni odtenki – a meni dolgočasni. :haha:

Imam raje, da so nohti oh in sploh. Taki, da se jih opazi, da so živahnih barv in da se bleščijo. Kako to doseči? Nič lažjega. Razpolagam s kopico lakov, ki so mi prišli še kako prav pri pisanju tega prispevka.  :bow:

Ne morem reči, da mi laki niso všeč, ampak, priznati moram, da so mi na fotografijah, ki sledijo, dosti bolj všeč. :drop:

Manhattan 69F + Nubar Jewel
Manhattan 78T + Nubar Sky Sparkle
Manhattan 101V + Nubar Goldy

Naj tokrat detajli povedo svoje. Nimam kaj dodati, res ne. Očarali so me. :pic:

Našim zvestim bralkam pošiljam prisrčen pozdrav iz ledeno mrzle deželice. :wave:

16 thoughts on “<!--:en-->Manhattan LE Colour Collection 2 with Nubar nail polishes<!--:--><!--:sl-->Manhattan LE Colour Collection 2 z Nubar laki<!--:-->”

  1. I’m loving all of these! 78T looks absolutely edible, especially with the Nubar polish on top. I wish I could get my hands on Nubar.


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