Once again Nubar Prism Collection

By Mamy

I already wrote about blue Nubar Absolute polish HERE. I didn’t expect you’ll like it so much. Thank you for all the comments.

Just for you I hurried with swatches of my other three beauties from Nubar Prism Collection Spring 2010.

Nubar Prism Collection bottles

I can’t write anything special about polish formula. They’re opaque after three layers, are easy to apply … in short – non problematic shades with beautiful holographic finish.

Photo shoot was real joy.

Nubar_Treasure_Absolute, bottles

Nubar: Brilliant, Jewel bottles
Nubar: Brilliant, Jewel

Treasure: cool violet holographic shade.

Nubar: Treasure
Nubar – Treasure, three layers

Once again – Absolute: sky blue polish.

Nubar: Absolute

Brilliant, dirty pink to light violet shade.

Nubar: Brilliant

Jewel, the most fantastic coppery brown shade composed of rainbow colors.


Now you have meet my whole Nubar Prism collection. I hope you liked them. I was completely charmed by them. Have a lovely and successful day!

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

38 thoughts on “Once again Nubar Prism Collection”

  1. :nails: I bought this collection a few months ago.  Jewel is my favorite.  I love all of their glitter polishes and holos. 

    • Da, je nešto posebno. Na suncu divno izgleda.  Neki su zaista slični, videla sam swatche svih. I šta se je desilo? Još koji se je pojavio na wish listi…  :ccc:

    • Tudi jaz tako mislim. Hvala, Goga!  :rose:
      Ja,  jewel je res lep. Si lahko misliš, da ga še nikoli nisem nosila na vseh nohtih.  :ccc:

  2. Ugh! I was so in doubt to buy these and now I really regret not doing so. They are gorgeous! Love the swatches and I’ll get them asap haha.

  3. Oh, Lord of the Rings, zakaj jih nimam?? Ko sem prebrala ime Jewel, sem se spomnila, da sem se že slinila nad njimi, Gem mi je tudi fantastičen, ne vem kako mi je uspelo pozabit dat celotno kolekcijo na WL! Noro lepi laki in slike, Mamy, zelo lepo!! :drop:

    • :rose: Mene mika vsaj še rdeč “Prize”. No, ne bi se branila še kakšnega.
      Ulmiel, z njimi se bo WL zagotovo podaljšala…  :nervous:


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