Kelier Nail – Purple cracking nail polish. The name says it all. It’s purple and it cracks while it dries. And here’s how it looks like on top of a shimmery pink polish.

How it’s done?
- Prep your nails.
- Apply regular nail polish in a shade you’d like the cracks to be.
- Wait until your nail polish is dry.
- Apply one thin coat of cracking polish on top.
- Wait a few minutes for the cracks to appear.
- After the cracking polish is dry, apply a top coat!
And you are done with your “nail art“!
As you can see from the photos above, it’s not the same type of cracking polish as the Alessandro, OPI, Barry M, Isa Dora and China Glaze crackle polishes. I wrote down the differences (and similarities) in a table.
Kelier cracking nail polish | Alessandro, OPI, Barry M, Isa Dora and China Glaze crackle polishes |
Cracks look like glass cracks. | Cracks look like ground cracks. |
Thinner texture and more even application. | Thicker texture and a bit bumpy application. |
Dries slower. | Dries super fast. |
Because of the dry time, I recommend thin coats. | If you like big cracks, apply thicker coat, if you like tiny cracks, apply thin coat. |
Opaque in one coat. | Opaque in one coat. |
Dries to a shiny finish. | Dries to a matte finish. |
*It doesn’t work with some polishes. | No problems. |
Without a top coat it chips very easily! | No top coat needed. |
* I’ve had a problem with the Kelier nail polish, because it started to lift while it was drying. I suspected that the main reason for that was the fast drying top coat I put on top of my “base” color. The next time I tried the Kelier nail polish and left out the fast drying top coat it worked just fine. That’s why I’m assuming that the top coat was the reason for lifting. So, if you have problems with Kelier nail polish and you think it doesn’t work and you want to toss it in the garbage, try another brand of polish as a base polish. It worked for me.
If you liked the polish I showed you today and you’d like to buy it, you can find it HERE. It’s not expensive. And if you use the promo code
you get 10% off your entire order. The promo code expires on 31st March 2011.
Products was sent to us for review.
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
:happy: i want one
Razpokanci “prve” generacije so prave primadone. :biggrin: Tale me po efektu še najbolj spominja na crack lak iz TransDesign-a.
Hm, ne morem se odločiti, če so mi tovrstne razpoke sploh všeč. Tisti, pogostejši crackle, mi je veliko bolj všeč (razpokane zemlje, kot si odlično opisala!), vendar mi je tudi ta ponekod zelo všeč. Tale kombinacija je perfektna! Da ne omenjam, da je tebi izjemno lepo razpokal, veliko veliko lepše kot vidim na nekaterih drugih blogih. Tako da dobivam občutek, da je precej odvisno od veščin in sreče. Počasno sušenje in problem s TC vse skupaj samo še poslabša. Ampak barve pa imajo lepe!
Zanimiv lakec, razpoke so mi bolj všeč kot pri tistih običajnih cracklih. Kaj pa misliš da bi se zgodilo, če bi še čez moker crackle nanesla Seche Vite? Če sta kompatibilna, bi se lahko čas sušenja s tem skrajšal.
I prefer the finished look of the Kelier crack polish, but after hearing how bad the drying time is, the top coat issue and that is doesn’t work with some polishes…nevermind!
interesantno kako puca drugacije od ostalih crackle lakova
It looks so cool! I like it a lot :)
I do really like the color of it, to bad it doesn’t dry fast.
Yap, the drying time could be much better, that’s why I recommend thin coats. ;)
wow! looks fantastic! :thumb:
krasna kombinacija, i moram priznati da mi ovaj lakić puca bolje nego ova razvikana imena :thumb:
lepa kombinacija <3
jaz pa sem ugotovila, da če ga nanesem na suh lak, se čisto odkruši, če pa na še moker lak, pa ostane :))
Tudi jaz sem sprva to predvidevala, vendar sem svojo hipotezo ovrgla s poskusom. :biggrin: Pri meni ni bilo opaziti razlike pri nanosu šez suha ali moker lak. :think: Morda pa sem imela samo “srečo”. :biggrin: