Not so long ago I was asked how long have I been blogging … and I could not remember. 6, 7, 8 years? I frankly had no clue. It would be simple to blame it on my thyroid, but I think this was good old “I’ve been doing this so long it seems like ages” issue.
Can you guess how old is Parokees blog?
Correct answer is … today is our 7th blogoversary! It really feels surreal that blogging is part of me for 7 years now. A lot has changed from 2009 for bloggers in Slovenia. I don’t have to explain left and right what blog is any more and there is so many beauty bloggers now, that we definitively don’t lack blogger company any more. We even had our first beauty bloggers conference (#bbmu) and New Year/Christmas party (#lepotno2016). Can’t wait to see what next year will bring!
2015: you loved to read about …
We have few post that are read over and over and over again and are years old. Like seriously – our most read post is from 2013 and is still the most visited post on our blog. So I crossed those out and made selection of 5 you loved the most in 2015.
2016: changes are in the wind
Parokeets blog will undergo quite a few changes in 2016. We entered black&white period with new theme as you probably already saw. We can’t really hide from the fact that we are older, all of us are mothers now + our tastes changed and matured, which means it was simply time for big changes. I suspect beauty will stay our main focus, but I personally want to write about other thing too.
Some will be beauty related and some will be my preoccupation at the time. I have whole lot of decorating ahead of me, so maybe it will be less painfully if I undertake some of the nightmarish choosing as blog post investigation? :D
One of my goals is to do more comparison, “top picks”, “new in”, duel posts and videos. I though long and hard if I really want to go down that road. On one hand it means a lot more work + huge amount of products I have to store and test. On the other, our readers really love those kind of posts. You win. :D
Thank you for being such a loyal readers even we have so much going on in everyday life that we don’t manage to post regularly. We appreciate all your support and will shower you with gifts all January long. Keep and eye on the upcoming posts.
Let’s kick off our blogoversary month with giving you opportunity to decide which post will be finished and published this month.
Which post would you like to read first?
- Skincare products that won me over in 2015.
- Beauty Blender and its dupes.
- Top 3 top coats.
- How to achieve pretty smile (Sonicare, Curaprox …).
Čestitke za 7 let bloganja pa želim vam še mnogo let ustvarjana
Katera izmed tem bi mene najbolj zanimala? Najbrž negovalni izdelki, ampak se mi zdi da se je veliko blogerk osredotočilo na to (seveda bi z največjim veseljem prebrala tudi vaš izbor) zato bi mogoče svoj glas raje oddala How to achieve pretty smile postu, ker se vsi radi smejimo in ni lepšega kot lep nasmeh :wink:
Negovalne izdelke sem že objavila: Se trudim pospešeno črtat poste na čakanju. :biggrin:
Vzeto na znanje. Se bom lotila pripravljanja ne tako estetskega posta. :silly:
Čestitke tudi vam! :) <3
Jaz pa 4 leta danes. :yes:
Lep datm smo izbrali, ane?
Čestitam tudi tebi!
Jaz tudi glasujem za negovalne izdelke, res rada berem o izdelkih, ki so vas soblogerke lani navdušili. :)
Drugače pa vse čestitke za sedmo obletnico in da se bomo še dolgo brale in družile. Sploh ne morem verjeti, kako hitro čas mineva. Čeprav sem bila na začetku bolj tihi bralec, vas spremljam skorajda že od začetka in res se opazi, da se je vas blog z leti spremenil, ampak na boljše in komaj čakam nove objave. :yes:
Hvala, Taya!
Sprememba v pisanosti je ogromna, ane? :biggrin:
Najljubši negovalni izdelki leta 2015 prosim :)
Fju – najbolje, da zaviham rokave in se lotim dela. :biggrin: :rose:
Mene bi najbolj zanimalo Top 3 coats.
Super se mi zdi ideja da se razširi blog tudi na druga področja kot npr. oprema etc….. Nisem pa najbolj fan vlogov ker rajši berem prispevke kot gledam vloge.
Meni so vlogi super, ker so tudi daljše recenzije hitro narejene. Vem pa, da sta to dve zelo različni občinstvi.
Hvala za glas. :rose: