Work in progress …V delu …

I’m currently in a some kind of crazy funky mood … nothing gets done. I started hundred and one thing and did not finish single one of them. :undecided:

Illamasqua Imperfections

I made swatches of Illamasqua duo blusher and lipstick, but post is still in draft even-though I know exactly what I want to say.

Survey questioners are done, only thing missing is giveaway prize. Any wishes? :cute:

Essence magnetic nail polish + new magnet and magnetic pen are all prepared for swatching as are two of the Catrice nail polishes that received the most votes in a poll.

3 Depend nail polishes are waiting for ages now to swatch them and brighten somebody’s day with same three shades reserved for you. On of my last sins from “sick period”.

One thing I did finish was making new swatches of Bourjois Healthy mix 2013 version. That is something right? Even if they’re still not great. :whistle:

After Depend swatches I’ll be making either two Max Factor nail polish swatches or remaining two of L’Oreal ones. What do you think – MF or L’Oreal?

And Catrice Camouflage cream really deserver its 5 minutes of fame on the blog so I have to squeeze that somewhere into the scheduled. Same goes for new Essence plates now that I have all 4 of them.

First of Project mascara mascaras (why does that sound weird to me) is thoroughly tested and I already stared using Essence I Love Extreme as next one. I’m leaning towards short and to the point reviews so I’ll be able to test as many as possible. Maybe with some kind of review system? I’m still deciding.

I guess it’s blessing in disguise that my broken nail won’t be presentable for at least week or more so I can’t start with new video series. At this rate I would make 3 videos and fail to edit single on of them. :roll:

Can we please make days last longer or make special batteries so I get supersonic speed? :biggrin:

Trenutno sem v res čudaškem obdobju. Odprtih imam nešteto projektov, neprestano nekaj delam po malem, a še kar je čisto vse nedokončano. :undecided:

Illamasqua Imperfections

Naredila sem swatche Illamasqua duo rdečila in šminke, a kljub temu, da vem točno kaj želim povedati, post še vedno ni napisan.

Anketni vprašalnik je narejen, vendar moram izbrati še nagrado za giveaway. Kakšne želje? :cute:

Essence magnetni lak + novi magnet in magnetni svinčnik so že v vrsti za swatchanje, prav tako tudi Catrice laka, ki sta dobila največ glasov v anketi.

Trije Depend laki čakajo že celo večnost na vrsto, dvojniki pa na giveaway, ki bo razveselil eno izmed naših bralk. Eden izmed zadnjih grehov iz časa, ko me je zdravje čisto pustilo na cedilu.

Eno zadevo pa sem le dokončala. Naredila sem nove swatche Bourjois Healthy mix 2013 tekoče podlage. Pustimo ob strani dejstvo, da še vedno to ni to. :whistle:

Za Depend swatchi bosta na vrsti ali 2 Max Factor laka za nohte ali pa preostala L’Orealova greha. Kaj pravite – MF ali L’Oreal?

Tudi Catrice Camouflage cream korektor si res zasluži 5 minut slave na blogu, tako da ga moram nekam vtakniti v vozni red. Enako velja za nove Essence šablone – končno imam nareč v lasti vse 4.

Prva maskara v Projektu maskara je bila temeljito testirana, tako da že preizkušam naslednjo – Essence I Love Extreme. Nagibam se h kratkim in jedrnatim ocenam z mogoče kakšnim sistemom ocenjevanja. Na tak način bi lahko napisala več ocen, vendar končne odločitve še nisem sprejela.

Trenutno sem kar hvaležna, da bo polomljeni noht okreval vsaj še teden dni, če ne bi zagotove posnela 3 video posnetke, ki jih nato sploh ne bi obdelala. :roll:

Lahko prosim ali podaljšamo dneve ali pa mi naštimamo posebne baterije s pomočjo katerih bom hitrejša od svetlobe? :biggrin:

4 thoughts on “<!--:en-->Work in progress …<!--:--><!--:sl-->V delu …<!--:-->”

  1. Komaj čakam tvoje nove konad umetnine :nails: . Bi pa raje videla L’Orealove swatche, MaxFactorjeva dva mi nista preveč simpatična…


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